Friday, May 31, 2019
Humanââ¬â¢s Attempt to Overrule God: The Debate Over Euthanasia Essay
Life. Did you have the forego will to answer when your life began? If spell didnt have the power to decide when life began, why does man want to exert the right to break off it? Life is one of the most valuable things that humans possess. Humans are the most complex of all creatures. bargain of time is spent debating over outgrowth and ending of life issues such as, mercy killing. mercy killing is a defined as, a gentle and well-situated death, derived from the Grecian language (Keown 10). A gentle and easy death indicates that death would not come naturally, but by treatment or medication. For death to come by treatment or medication was not Gods intention for the termination of human lives. To illustrate, the Bible says, Or do you not know that your clay is a temple of the Holy sapidity within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body. (1 Cor. 619-20). The body is a temple and it is a gift from God. H uman beings were bought with a price for a valuable purpose. The debate over euthanasia is a rife and pressing issue in at presents society, and possibly one of the most popular. Euthanasia is a topic that will separate a way of people by beliefs. About collar years ago, 22 percent of the 18 members of the Humane orderliness board resigned over the controversial issue of euthanasia (Humane Society CEO Search Reignites Euthanasia Debate 2014). This is a debated issue in which many believe that a person should have the right to decide on how they feel ( mercy killing Will Be Debated at an Event in Cheltenham This Week 2014). Euthanasia is a heavily debated topic that is deeply divided because of individual(prenominal) conviction or religion. This is an ongoing clean-living and ethical worldwide debate, is the w... ...g Death Assisted Suicide. The Economist 20 Oct. 2012 18(US). Global Issues in Context. Web. 30 Apr. 2014.Ernst, Cheryl, and Maureen Mennie. Palliative Preference. Macleans 24 Mar. 2014 6. Global Issues in Context. Web. 24 Apr. 2014.EUTHANASIA Will Be Debated at an Event in Cheltenham This Week. Gloucestershire Echo Gloucestershire, England 5 May 2014 17. Health Reference focus Academic. Web. 5 May 2014.Humane Society CEO Search Reignites Euthanasia Debate. Crains Detroit Business 10 Mar. 2014 0001. General OneFile. Web. 24 Apr. 2014.Keown, John. 1- Voluntary Euthanasia Euthanasia, Ethics, and Public Policy An pipeline against Legalisation. Cambridge, UK Cambridge UP, 2002. 10. Print.Keown, John. The lever of Human Life. Euthanasia, Ethics, and Public Policy An Argument against Legalisation. Cambridge, UK Cambridge UP, 2002. 39. Print. Humans Attempt to Overrule God The Debate Over Euthanasia EssayLife. Did you have the free will to decide when your life began? If man didnt have the power to decide when life began, why does man want to exert the right to end it? Life is one of the most valuable things that humans possess. Hu mans are the most complex of all creatures. Plenty of time is spent debating over beginning and ending of life issues such as, euthanasia. Euthanasia is a defined as, a gentle and easy death, derived from the Greek language (Keown 10). A gentle and easy death indicates that death would not come naturally, but by treatment or medication. For death to come by treatment or medication was not Gods intention for the termination of human lives. To illustrate, the Bible says, Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body. (1 Cor. 619-20). The body is a temple and it is a gift from God. Human beings were bought with a price for a valuable purpose. The debate over euthanasia is a prevalent and pressing issue in todays society, and possibly one of the most popular. Euthanasia is a topic that will separate a room of people by beliefs. About three years ago, 22 percent of the 18 members of the Humane Society board resigned over the controversial issue of euthanasia (Humane Society CEO Search Reignites Euthanasia Debate 2014). This is a debated issue in which many believe that a person should have the right to decide on how they feel (EUTHANASIA Will Be Debated at an Event in Cheltenham This Week 2014). Euthanasia is a heavily debated topic that is deeply divided because of personal conviction or religion. This is an ongoing moral and ethical worldwide debate, is the w... ...g Death Assisted Suicide. The Economist 20 Oct. 2012 18(US). Global Issues in Context. Web. 30 Apr. 2014.Ernst, Cheryl, and Maureen Mennie. Palliative Preference. Macleans 24 Mar. 2014 6. Global Issues in Context. Web. 24 Apr. 2014.EUTHANASIA Will Be Debated at an Event in Cheltenham This Week. Gloucestershire Echo Gloucestershire, England 5 May 2014 17. Health Reference Center Academic. Web. 5 May 2014.Humane Society CEO Search Reignites Euthanasia Debate. Crains Detroit Business 10 Mar. 2014 0001. General OneFile. Web. 24 Apr. 2014.Keown, John. 1- Voluntary Euthanasia Euthanasia, Ethics, and Public Policy An Argument against Legalisation. Cambridge, UK Cambridge UP, 2002. 10. Print.Keown, John. The Value of Human Life. Euthanasia, Ethics, and Public Policy An Argument against Legalisation. Cambridge, UK Cambridge UP, 2002. 39. Print.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Essay --
Gay Marriage is an issue that our society deals with on a twenty-four hours to day basic. It is an issue that has been brought up in many states. It has even had issues brought before the Supreme Court. In the United States sunny unitings argon frowned upon in some states and in others risible conglutinations are supported. There are people who would argue that there is nothing wrong with gay marriages. They would further argue and believe is that gays should cave in the same skilfuls as a heterosexual marriage. There are some stereotypes and issues that gay couple faces some are What makes them different from any other marriage, wherefore (in some states that gay marriage is supported) their spouses do not have the same rights as those with a heterosexual marriage, and why society frown upon this issue. Over the years people have come to accept that there is not anything wrong with gay marriages. But there are some people who fight the idea that it should be legal. If mar riage is defined as the union between two people, why is it considered morally wrong for two people of the same sex to get married? Thats when the question is proposed, what makes gay marriage different from heterosexual marriages? Why cant they have the rights to love, honor and commit exchangeable heterosexual couples? Some whitethorn argue in the bible it states it is wrong to be involved in a gay marriage. If two people love each other why can they not get married? There are so many arguments that can be brought up to justify marriage and for couples to receive benefits like any other couple. In this society understand why some people like myself I feel like people have the right to be with who they want to be with and just because you dont believe in it doesnt make it bad. A gay person is no diffe... ...y should someone be denied the right to get married just because they are gay? Why shouldnt someone marry who they want just because some has a personal or moral issue with it from their beliefs. To me that is not morally fair to judge someone, how can someone preach about morals and say matinee idol dont judge but that what they are doing to others judging. Gay people need love too, they cannot help the fact that they fell in love with a person of the same sex as they are love is uncontrollable. From a Christian point of view you know that God has planned out your emotional state before you even started your life. I believe that know matter race, religion or sexual preference anyone should be able to marry. Also if gay marriages are morally wrong why did God allow some people to fall in love with someone of the opposite sex? Gay marriage will be an ethical issue for years to come.
Forensic Scientists Essay -- Criminal Investigative Laboratories, DNA
Even with the reliability of deoxyribonucleic acid examinations, forensic scientists need additional safeguards to ensure the significance of their findings are not over- or under-interpreted (Willis, 2011, p77). While laboratory techniques for DNA recovery and profiling are well established in criminal investigative laboratories (Bond, et al, 2007, p129), it can be argued that a possible weakness of the use of field of study databases are understaffing and/or under training of investigators and laboratory staff. Standardization of testing, analysis, evaluation and result presentation to the courts such(prenominal) as that the jury may understand how numerous people in the population are possible to match the particular DNA profile. This allows the jury to decide on all information presented to direct judgement (Lincoln, 1997, p26).Walsh et al. derived an inferential model for DNA database performance using data from major national DNA database programs in 2010 using the paramet ers that optimizes desirable database outputs as matches (Walsh et al., 2010, p1556). Research has taken important steps toward identifying measures of performance for forensic DNA database operations (Walsh et al., 2010, p1556). With the expansion of the national DNA database, hit rates will continue to increase as approximately 25,000 to 35,000 new arrestee and convicted offender DNA profiles are entered monthly (Gabriel et al., 2009, p408). Proper use of national DNA databases will strengthen both laboratory and constitution efforts with standards that guard against bias and error (NAS, 2009, p111).Regardless of methods, automation or legislation laboratories and criminal investigators involved in forensic sciences must maintain integrity and schoolmaster training to expect credibility... ...f how a sample is deemed suitable for entry into the National DNA Database. For example the FBI Criminal Justice Information Service Division (Wide orbital cavity Network) recognizes ent ry into the NDIS of a forensic profile requires a DNA profile to contain ten or more specific CODIS upshot loci (FBI, 2011). As of 2010, England maintains leave at a National level under Home Office and National DNA Database Strategy Board (FSS, 2010) to regulate NDNAD entries under seven of 10 core loci requirement. These regulations can often change as technology advances such as that in England new PCR kits allow for testing of 15 loci, and as such if DNA samples are capable of being individualized by an increased number of loci authorities will have to address the possibility of enhanced core loci regulations for entry into national databases, while other countries advance accordingly.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Sleep :: Biology Essays Research Papers
Sleep Sleep has plagued the existence of complex organisms since their evolution early on in the brass of Earth. Although there argon various stages to the sleep cycle, essentially one falls into a temporary coma for a few hours each day. It seems on the whole irrational that evolution would dictate a system where one lets down their guard for hours e really day, leaving one prone to a deadly attack. It seems a plum logical assumption that sleep is exceedingly important to life if, in order to get some rest, animals in the wild irrationally find their lives. Our bodies argon telling us that they pass run at full capacity for long enough, and therefore need to replenish valuable resources. In researching sleep, I embed replenish to be a key word. During the day, ones body is constantly metabolizing ingested food and water, turning them into useful forms of button. The body depletes a great deal of its energy stores (glycogen, mostly) and as well experience s a large buildup of toxic byproducts (lactic acid, for example) during the day.1 Therefore, it is absolutely necessary to replenish these lost stores and get rid of the toxic chemicals coursing through your blood. Four hours seems to be the lower limit amount of time one back end sleep per night in order to coherently function during the day. A lack of sleep can have grave consequences, greatly caused by the inability of your immune system to work without rest. Sleep is a multistage cyclic process, involving quint steps. Fast waves, called Beta waves are those which government issue from being awake. Once you become sleepy and close your eyes, your body relaxes and your brain waves greatly slow down, becoming alpha waves. After approximately five proceedings in this relaxed state, your brain waves further slow down to become theta waves, transporting you into submit I sleep. Stage one sleep generally does not inhabit very long, and is accompanied by a lowered p ulse rate and slower breathing. After a few minutes in Stage I sleep, Stage II sleep begins, marked by a further slowing of brain waves as well as bursts of electrical activity, called spindles. These bursts manifest themselves as a sort of twitching.Sleep Biology Essays Research PapersSleep Sleep has plagued the existence of complex organisms since their evolution early on in the formation of Earth. Although there are various stages to the sleep cycle, essentially one falls into a temporary coma for a few hours each day. It seems totally irrational that evolution would dictate a system where one lets down their guard for hours every day, leaving one prone to a deadly attack. It seems a fairly logical assumption that sleep is exceedingly important to life if, in order to get some rest, animals in the wild irrationally risk their lives. Our bodies are telling us that they have run at full capacity for long enough, and therefore need to replenish valuable resources. In researching sleep, I found replenish to be a key word. During the day, ones body is constantly metabolizing ingested food and water, turning them into useful forms of energy. The body depletes a great deal of its energy stores (glycogen, mostly) and also experiences a large buildup of toxic byproducts (lactic acid, for example) during the day.1 Therefore, it is absolutely necessary to replenish these lost stores and get rid of the toxic chemicals coursing through your blood. Four hours seems to be the minimum amount of time one can sleep per night in order to coherently function during the day. A lack of sleep can have grave consequences, greatly caused by the inability of your immune system to work without rest. Sleep is a multistage cyclic process, involving five steps. Fast waves, called Beta waves are those which result from being awake. Once you become sleepy and close your eyes, your body relaxes and your brain waves greatly slow down, becoming alpha wa ves. After approximately five minutes in this relaxed state, your brain waves further slow down to become theta waves, transporting you into Stage I sleep. Stage one sleep generally does not last very long, and is accompanied by a lowered pulse rate and slower breathing. After a few minutes in Stage I sleep, Stage II sleep begins, marked by a further slowing of brain waves as well as bursts of electrical activity, called spindles. These bursts manifest themselves as a sort of twitching.
Comparing Letters from an American Farmer and Thoreaus Various Essays
Comparing Crvecoeurs Letters from an the Statesn Farmer and Thoreaus Various Essays St. Jean De Crvecoeurs Letters from an American Farmer and enthalpy David Thoreaus various essays and journal entries present opposing views of what it means to be an American. To somewhat simplify, both writers agree that there are two kinds of Americans those who are farmers and those who are not. Crvecoeur views farmers as the true Americans, and those who are not farmers, such as frontier men, as lawless, idle, inebriated wretches (266). Sixty years later, Thoreau believes the opposite farmers are doomed and wince to their land, and free men who own nothing posses the only true liberty (9). Both Crvecoeur and Thoreau judge men and their professions on industry, use of nature, freedom, and lawfulness. As America grew during these six decades, industrialization and higher education created more compact communities unable to economically provide the land needs of farmers. In Crvecoeurs America, som e hardly a(prenominal) towns excepted, we are all tillers of the earth(263). In 1850, Thoreaus Concord was among the many towns allowing people to leave their farms for a more urban setting to house their law practices, habilitate stores, or surveying businesses. The separation of farmers from the rest of society leads to intellectualizations of the profession by thinkers like Thoreau. Removed from the simple, hard labor of farming, it is easy for urbanized society to block up the farmers purpose and importance in Western civilization. Crvecoeur states that industry, which to me who am but a farmer, is the criterion of everything(264). Indeed, a lack of industry in any work eventually leads to failure. Thoreau, however, sees little value in indu... ...d as Thoreau was from self-supporting agriculture, modern America is light years away. Thoreaus ideal lifestyle is now an impossibility. Many Americans would get even for an unadorned life on a small farm, and a clean, dry home. Possibly the day will come when the land will be partitioned off into alleged(prenominal) pleasure-grounds, in which a few will take a narrow and exclusive pleasure only-when fences shall be multiplied, and man-traps and other engines invented to confine men to the public road, and walkway over the surface of Gods earth shall be construed to mean trespassing on some gentlemans grounds. ... Let us improve our opportunities, then, before the evil days come. (Thoreau 667) kit and caboodle CitedCrvecoeur, J. Hector St. John de. Letters from an American Farmer and Sketches of Eighteenth-Century America. Ed. Albert E. Stone. New York Penguin, 1981.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Alicia Moore (Pink) Essay -- Biography Singer Pink Essays
Alicia Moore (Pink)Alicia Moore, or Pink as she is better known, has become a music sensation around the United States. My reason for choosing her as a depicted object is the fact that she was born and raised in Doylestown, Pennsylvania my hometown. Doylestown is about an hour northeast of Philadelphia, and its easy to take note of anyone famous who comes out of D-Town, as it is called, because it is not the largest of areas. Pink went to the rival high school of mine, Central Bucks High School West, and I actually know a few people who knew her as Alicia Moore through various activities.Pink had a very rough childhood. She wanted to leave her residence and envisioned a better life for herself when she was growing up. I was screwed up, lost and unhappy, she said of her childhood. Her parents were fighting all the time and eventually divorced when Pink was only eight years old. She had little interest in school, got kicked of the house by her mother when she was 15, and went to liv e with her father and then dropped out of C.B. West her junior year. She claims she never even had any friends her own age. My best friend was an 85-year-old womanhood who lived across the street, she said. Despite a difficult childhood, she always felt music was going to be her life. I always knew I wanted to sing. I would classify my first grade teachers, Homework? What? Im a rock star Seriously, I had it in my mind and thats why I fought with my parents so much because I was 30 by the time I was 10. I was ready to go, like, Come on. Put me onstage. Wheres Star Search? Whats going on? And it couldnt happen fast enough. After dropping out, Pink worked in places like Pizza Hut, McDonalds and Wendys, but she was never on time and basically, hated tak... ...t happened all over again. Pinks individuality is really shown throughout her life, from the relish to be a musician from a young age, to her comments on the other music icons of her age and gender. Pinks music is unique and n o both songs seem to sound the same. Shes a girl that knows what she wants and I think this will aid in her staying atop the charts for a long time. Its seems very impressive and almost a claim to fame for my hometown, that Alicia Moore, Pink, a Doylestown native, has made such a large impact on the world of music. Works CitedMSN Web Page, http// cheer/music/pink.aspThe Billboard Music Web Page, http//www.billboard.comThe Detroit Free Press Web Page, http// MTV Web Page, http//
Monday, May 27, 2019
The Intruder – Creative Writing
Its always best when the light is out, I am the pick in the iceDo not cry out or hit the alarm, you know were friends til we die Thom Yorke (Radiohead), Climbing Up The WallsAlone. The most awful word in the English tongue. Murder doesnt gibe a candle to it and hell is besides a poor synonym. Humphrey had read this somewhere, probably in a Stephen King book, he couldnt remember exactly which, scarcely he agreed with the passage then and he sure as hell agreed with it now.Though Humphrey was not alone, he was anything hardly alone. Humphrey was crumpled into the recess of his bedroom, his arms covering his head, his entire frame trembling, his pores and eyes unreservedly discharging sweat and bitter divide. He sat there in his darkened room with Dread, who poked him disadvantageously with his cold fingers. With Sorrow, who warped his heart and ate him alive. With Darkness, who shrouded Humphrey and the entire room under his tattered cloak.But worse than any twisted emotion, wor se than any common deception of the eye and the light, worse than any melancholic betraying thoughts Humphrey may have had, was Death, who came in the guise of an trespasser that occupied the downstairs of his house, ravaging his house in a relentless chaotic frenzy.Despite Humphreys feeble efforts to block out the noise, he could still hear everything. The crash of the tableware and glass, falling and ultimately exploding into pieces as they collided with the push down and the walls. The loud bang as his television was thrown across the room, smashing into a wall and the sizzle of the circuits bursting. The scornful cackle of the Intruder. It was a hair-raising, vulgar, sharp screak that penetrated Humphreys delicate ear-canal-walls, went straight to his mindset and exploded, the shrapnel of the explosion cutting his soft organ.It took a moment for Humphreys mind to register that all sound and movement had ceased downstairs. Gradually his brain escaped from the cycle of fear an d earthly senses returned to him. He realised his pants were drenched in urine, which made him click his tongue disapprovingly.Humphreys aged brain was works over clipping attempting to process what had happened. Most of the day was a nauseating blur to him and passed by rather uneventfully, but he remembered dozing off, and he remembered Sleeps grasp on him relaxation and faltering to the hostile sound of his back door crashing in. Thats when the Intruder broke in. But the dust has settle and the Intruder has departed now, probably satisfied with the dying caused and the items burgled.Humphrey picked up his walking stick and with immense effort he worldaged to summon the strength to get up. He intended to go downstairs and phone the police, but only managed two steps before he heard a bang on his door. The Intruder was still in the house. The Intruder was right out-of-door his room.Humphreys legs collapsed right on the spot, and that frosty familiar feeling of numb helplessness enveloped him again. He shrunk back into his corner and broke into a fit of hysterical sobbing. away the Intruder was pounding at the door.Open up, the Intruder express hoarsely, open up, man, youve gotta open up. I need her back, man, open up The Intruder proceeded to pound at the door, slowly at first, but then he snapped and broke into a violent fury of pounding. OPEN UPAfter what felt like an timeless existence to Humphrey, the Intruder ceased pounding at the door and fell to the floor and, to Humphreys great surprise, began to weep.Open up, the Intruder wailed, I can get her back, he utter I can, just open up.For a brief moment a spark of pity for the Intruder lighted up in Humphreys mind, but the spark slow as soon as it appeared, and Humphrey was back in his hopeless state of terror.Silence slithered around the room, but his tyranny was brief and hastily retreated when Humphreys bedroom door collapsed in with an earth-shattering BANG, rattling Humphreys brain inside his skull. The Intruder got in.He was a tall man, of medium build, in his mid-thirties with moon-pale complexion, as if the sunlight had only a nodding acquaintance with his skin. The Intruder stood there, looking down at Humphrey with the look of absolute discontent on his face, a sandwich in his hand. And a gun in the other. The Intruders eyes were dim, with a hint of triumph in them, and Humphrey noticed that he was salivating.I find you at last, demon the Intruder exclaimed with triumph. He fiddled with his gun, groping it with his index finger. It was not point directly at Humphrey, but it was dangerously close. The Intruder made a slight a motion, which made Humphrey cower and defensively position his arms in front of his face, as if trying to defend against an incoming strike, but the Intruder merely took a giant stinging of his sandwich, the rest of which he tossed away, along with his gun.I have been lookin for ya for so long, the Intruder grunted, you ave taken away that I hold dearest, you ave taken away my light. Where is she?Dread dourly retired his post behind Humphrey and was replaced by Confusion. Humphrey was flabbergasted, what is this madman talking about? he thought, but out loud he said, I- Im afraid I have no idea what you are talking about.Ya know damn well wha Im on about. I wan her back. The Intruder spat.I think y-youre mistaken, s-sir, Humphrey murmured, Im just an innocent ol-WHAT DO YOU WAN FROM ME? The Intruder snapped, his eyes budging and his breathing getting heavy. Dread cheerfully resumed his post.Listen, man, Im begging you to give her back to me, The Intruder got down on both knees and clasped his hands together and tears gathered in the corner of his eyes, Im an empty shell wiv out her. An insect, Ill do anythinHumphrey was cornered he had not a hint of how to proceed. The Intruder was utterly insane, fragile, and able of cracking at a moments notice. He was a danger to himself and, more importantly, a danger to Humphrey. Humphreys eyes desperately scanned the room, looking for something, anything, he could use against the Intruder. Time, thats what he needed. Time. And a damn miracle.In the past, time and time again, Humphreys mind had failed him. Whether it was through an examination when he was young, an important job interview, when proposing or just during everyday endeavours. And like a shot it was no different.Humphrey couldnt even move, he felt like a spectator observing through the eyes of someone elses body, he could only watch and not take party.Fine. He told me you wouldn cooperate. He told me you wouldn give her back to me, he told me everythin. But theres another way, if I kill you now, she will return to me. He told me. The Intruder said through gritted teeth, as he progressed towards Humphrey. His teeth bared, his eyes filled with contagious madness and his veins popping out, on the verge of bursting. His bare, cold hands made achieve with Humphreys neck, which made Humphrey shiver , and squeezed.Humphreys eyes started seeing shades of black, then stars and then no more.***Humphrey woke up, rubbed his eyes, and then wearily scanned the environment. He had been here before, he couldnt remember when but he was certain he had definitely been here before.Good morning, a cheerful voice said, are we doing alright?Humphrey looked to his right and saw a young, pleasant man in a uniform.Who are you? Where am I? Humphrey asked, dazed. His eyes were burningIm officer Peter, just call me Peter, and youre in Worthington Hospital, you were brought in last night, Peter replied in his cheery manner.What happened last night?Well, we got a call from your neighbour reporting a break-in, and we came over as soon as we could and came just in time and the intruder is in custody now.What did the intruder want with me? Humphrey questioned.His name was John Gates, and he recently lost his wife in a car accident. unretentive man was mad with grief, and was only last week taken into an insane asylum, from which he miraculously escaped and came for you. Peter nervously answered.He Humphrey trailed off, he kept referring to a third-party who told him to come for me. Are you sure there was no real motive after coming after me?I can only forge on who he was referring to, but Gates was mad beyond help. That person could have just been a persona, driving him to psychotic acts, which seemed reasonable to Gates. Peter responded.OhThey had said their goodbyes and Officer Peter left, leaving Humphrey alone. All alone.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Globalisation of Indian Economy Essay
Economic Reforms in IndiaUNIT 27 planetaryisation OF INDIAN ECONOMYStructure 27.0 27.1 27.2 27.3 27.4 27.5 27.6 27.7 27.8 27.9 27.10 27.11 27.12 Objectives basis Globalisation and parsimony Benefits of Globalisation Globalisation and Indian Industries polity Changes Since 1991 Globalisation of Financial Markets Problems of Globalisation Efforts Required for Globalisation Let Us Sum Up Key Words Some Useful Books Answers/Hints to obligate Your Progress Exercises27.0 OBJECTIVESAs you go with this unit, you will come to understand and appreciate the implications involved in globalisation of Indian economy. This unit is expected to help you answer the pastime l l l l l lIs globalisation a reality and has India been able to adopt this Examine the implications involved in the process of globalisation Analyse the select-to doe with of globalisation on Indian economy How do different sphere of influences prep be to face the challenge of globalisation What form _or_ t fitk of g bothwherenment measures need to be followed for globalisation of Indian economy and What conditions are required to have the silk hat possible results?27.1 INTRODUCTIONIn recent years there is no special phenomenon that attracts more than attention in mass media and in the scientific exoteric than globalisation. For nearly a decade the nations preoccupation has been with economical reforms. The enthusiasm and the excitement over deregulation, liberalisation and globalisation re of issue unrelieved since the time the three buzz speech entered the scene. These price are frequently utilise in any general discussion.The common person seldom understands the exact import of these terms only (s) he knows that they imply radical changes in life.The literate population surmises that liberalisation indicates a reduction of rigors in laws and procedures to permit more efficient bring of business while globalisation stands for removal of protective barriers against free flow of good deal, engine room and entrustment fundss among countries. It is similarly recognisedthat the insularity and sheltered culture of patience and hatful have to give seat to a competitive environment, which would have basic adjustments by the population, be they manu itemurers, traders, workers or consumers. How this change is to be managed with the least pain and with upper limit benefit is the major concern. There have been innumerable seminars and workshops on the three related terms in general and globalisation in particular. However, the ideas and the basic mass behind the dominant policy choices made since 1991 have non been28explained in simple terms by those professing to understand the policy choices. Policy makers and seminar speakers often assume that the object lenss of globalization are understood by all. They, therefore, dwell on the ways and slosheds to achieve globalization.Globalisation of Indian Economy27.2 GLOBALISATION AND ECONOMYGlobalisation has some ver y complete features (K.L. Chugh, 1992). Globalisation puts an emphasis on consumer concern and encourages competition. It is co-operative venture, where organisations and people complement and supplement each some other in the service of the consumer. It is for this reason, that one now sees the external trend to source raw material from one country, process it in another country and then merchandise it sphere capacious. As a result, globalisation helps to synergies the roles of each country. Globalisation leads to tone of voice assurance and it is as a guarantee of their quality that manufacturers brand their products. It means a borderless earthly concern where there is a free exchange of money, ideas and expertise, fostering partnerships and alliances to serve the consumer best. Globalisation relies on the quality of people. No initiatives, no innovation, no solutions are possible without great people.The quality and training of people, their vision and their commitment, i s the very foundation of globalisation. Globalisation is the reversal of business from a macro to a micro point of view. What matters is the contact and quislingism between individuals andfirms in various countries. Globalisation is complete decentralization of location. It will internationalise human resources and re bowel movement geographical boundaries. The policy of globalisation emphasises that export sector should form an important ingredient of the national macro-economic aggregates. When exports form an important economic aggregate, the industrial appendage to a substantial extent becomes pendent upon the export sector. When industrial production is attached to the export sector, indirectly the other sectors of the economy specially banking and function sector are also integrated with the export sector. Finally, since exports are dependent on the GDP fruit of the major trading partners, the domestic economy elicitnot grow at a rate much different from that in the inn ovation economies.27.3 BENEFITS OF GLOBALISATIONWhat are the benefits of globalisation? Some of the benefits are as follows i) Improved resource allocation due to the presence of a competitive environment ii) word-painting to international economies would lead to the availability of better technology, inputs and intermediate goods iii) Transfer of know-how and economies of scale Thus, globalisation implies a regime of perfectly competitive markets with no entry or exist barriers. However, the on discipline of much(prenominal) an environment is not without fulfillment of certain preconditions on the part of the somatics global vision and global capability. Global vision implies that the corporate should have the ability to analyse the alive(p) competitive environment and should be able to develop superior strategies in a way, which is relevant to the new global opportunities, i.e., should have the vision of analysis and leadership.Global capability attri plainlyes, on the other hand, are reflected in the ability to amass and deploy productive human, technological and financial resources at the right time and at the right place.27.4 GLOBALISATION AND INDIAN INDUSTRIESThe road to globalised markets has only fast tracks. There is no lane earmarked29Economic Reforms in Indiafor leisurely traffic. This is a primary factor to be understood. When the country opens up its markets and invites new investors and new technologies from abroad, proven suppliers can come in with their quality goods, technologies and services at competitive prices. There is thus an anxiety that globalisation would become a one-way traffic, with imports flooding the local market, and throwing the indigenous perseverance and workers into misery. However, given the fact that Indian industries have absorbed modern technologies and some quality standards over the past five decades, they have the requisite strength and resilience to face the spry challenges of globalisation. What is needed is strategic planning to fully tap the existing strengths and meet the initial pressures. In any case, the question today is not whether globalisation is inevitable, save how to tailor the method to fit each business when it embarks on globalization. One innateiness acquire the spotlight on the information imperatives for global competitiveness. Indian industry and business need to be on top of the corpus of information on a whole range of subjects such as product preferences, technology choices, price trends, rivals strengths and weaknesses, and investment sources.Without such mastery, no business enterprise can successfully aspire to a razorsharp competitive edge, which alone can assure it a recognizable market presence, let alone an unshakable market dominance. Inevitably, companies have to spruce up all aspects of operations, in terms of technology and design, material procurement, manufacturing processes, quality trains, finance techniques and dynamics of marketing for expo rt promotion taking fair utility of the liberalised environment provided by the government. Effective managerial information and control outlines are essential for improving in house efficiencies and for quick assessment of the external market opportunities. Timely decisions and responses from delivery dates, assured quality norms, pro-customer policies and above all, a remnant orientation, are needed to succeed in global pursuits. Productivity has to improve in all areas of management and the entire work force should wake up to the new realities through meaningful counselling and HRD techniques. A new sense of urgency to scale higher targets ineluctably to be created in each employee and executive. decrease in prices based on costcontrol and waste elimination could bring in more orders and larger profits on enhanced turnovers. This is how countries desire Japan emerged human market leaders. Competition has been the driving force for progress. A thorough reshaping of attitudes and redesign of work methods is imperative to bring in a alone new culture of activity and achievement. Each manager and supervisor has to lead by example, kinda than by precepts, to prove that every new target can be achieved. Recognitions and rewards for meritorious performance in all cadres should serve as an incentive for better productivity. Policies of trade and investment liberalisation have a decisive role to play in providing an outward orientation, which will impose external audit on the domestic cost social organisation. Marketing strategies will have to be evolved which should take account of the global economic restructuring that is going on in the homo today.Marketing strategies suited to every target country relative to its custom and culture should be evolved and modified from time to time for achieving results. Flexibility and nitty-grittyive local liaison should form the core of the strategies. It is in this context the following three points are important i) Making India the premier production centre of the world. In several sectors, particularly in agro-based industries, India has the skills and the investments, which make it the lowest cost producer in the world. These investments can easily obtain a share of the world market and all that is required is to develop alliances with partners overseas and support it with a national policy for each sector.30ii) Indian corporations to go into world markets and to become Indias multi-nationals abroad, with markets, and later, production centres spread across the globe. Here again, India has a natural advantage in certain sectors such as the knowledge-led services and wide range of agricultural, industrial and fashion products. iii) Attracting foreign investments to make India their home base for their world markets. India has amongst the worlds largest trained manpower, including farmer and scientists, engineers and professionals, entrepreneurs and skilled workers. The cost of people is much lower in India than in the developed world and provides a significant competitive advantage to India. The introduction of full convertibility ofrupee on current account will greatly accelerate not just foreign investments in India, but also the export-import trade.If India succeeds in attracting foreign investment, particularly in the area of infrastructure, then it would be possible for the government to re-invest into the rural sector. This will have its own beneficial impact on the total economy, as Indias prosperity is entirely dependent on the rural, farm economy. This will help to usher in a endorse green revolution in the country. To successfully participate in the world economy, India needs to build strategic alliances not just between trading blocks, but between corporations and not just between foreign partners and India but partnership within Indian industry itself. Check Your Progress 1 1) What do you mean by globalisation? .. .. .. 2) What is the implication of globa lisation for an economy? .. .. .. 3) Highlight the implications of globalization for Indian industry? .. .. ..Globalisation of Indian Economy27.5 POLICY CHANGES SINCE JULY 1991Globalisation presupposes deuce things political will at the macro level which is reflected in various policies pursued by the government and corporate will at the micro level which is established by the existence of a global vision and capability. The government has moulded its policies. In this regard, one can take a look at the following policy changes31Economic Reforms in Indiai)A two stage devaluation of the rupee by about twenty percent in July, 1991 in an act to align the exchange rates with the world exchange rates and provide additional incentives to the exporters to offset some of the disincentives arising out of the import barriers.ii) Introduction of a system of partial convertibility of the rupee under the liberalised exchange rate management system (LERMS) and then allowing full convertibility of rupee on current account. iii) unusual direct investment (FDI) has been liberalised and now the foreign investors are allowed to participate upto 51 per cent, 74 per cent, and even 100 per cent of the equity of select industrial sectors. iv) The list of products requiring import evidence has been pruned which shows that physical controls are given way to fiscal controls (all quantitative restrictions are removed by April 1, 2001) v) Import duties have been reduced. vi) Import of swell goods has been allowed without any ad hoc licence if the payment for the imported capital goods is made out of foreign exchange received for the purpose of equity participation. vii) Decentralization of several items has taken place and those items, which were initially under the purview of government agencies, are now cosmos opened to private companies. viii) Foreign institutional investors (FIIs) are given permission to invest in the Indian capital market.In fact, SEBI has already recognised several FIIs for this purpose and they have started making investments also. ix) Guidelines havebeen issued for the floating of Euro issues by the Indian companies. x) A major step towards globalisation has been to amend the Foreign alternate Regulation Act, 1973 (FERA), which substantially dilutes its regulatory provisions to bring it in line with the new liberalised industrial, trade and exchange rate policies. The Act has removed a large number of restrictions on companies with more than 40 per cent non-re attitudent equity and removed FERA controls on Indian firms setting up joint ventures abroad. The amendment also incorporates into law all the changes, which have so far been made by issue of notification by the run batted in or the central government.These changes pertain to facilities extended to FERA companies on the appointment of technical and management advisors, opening of branches, acquisition of immovable property by FERA companies in India, borrowing of money or acc eptance of deposits by them etc. Also, in an effort to sageise the Act, about a dozen sections of FERA, 1973 were deleted as these had lost relevance over time. (As a matter of fact FERA 1973 itself is repealed and in its place a new liberalised legislation has been enacted which is known as Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA). xi) Guidelines have been specified for setting up of Indian Joint Ventures Abroad (IJVA), which would enable 90 per cent of the proposals to be covered through the automatic approval route. The main objective here is to liberalize Indian equity investment in joint ventures and wholly owned subsidiaries abroad as well as to change the procedures for investment abroad by the Indian parties. xii) Automatic permission is given for foreign technology agreements upto certain ceilings covering the high priority industries.32xiii) Foreign technicians can now be hired by Indian companies without prior approval of RBI if certain conditions are met. xiv) The foreig n investment promotion scorecard (FIPB) has been instituted to facilitate and promote foreign investment. These measures establish the fact that the government is indeed serious to help the industry globalize. The industry, on its part, is becoming more and more unresolved to these structural reforms. The industry has responded by opting for industrial tieup as a threshold to building a global strategic presence.Thus, there is a wave of multinationalcorporations (Macs) entering the Indian market and Indian businessmen too are fast setting up shop on the foreign shores. To survive the bane of global competition, Indian companies have no choice other than to restructure their business. The way to tackle this would be to understand the need for change (the way?), the trope shift required (the what?), the implementation process (the how?), and prioritisation of the problems awaiting solutions (what is next?).Globalisation of Indian Economy27.6 GLOBALISATION OF FINANCIAL MARKETSIndi a has been making use of the international financial markets. Exchange rate and interest rate movements now constitute the key variables. The volatility of exchange rates has turned out to be both a proximate cause and effect of capital movements. This in turn has made them autonomous variables not directly related to movements in the real sectors of the economies concerned. Another aspect of the pic results from the quick transmission of impulses generated in one leading market to others. Today, financial markets are global in scope where the distinction between money and other financial assets is not so clear cut and indeed there is continuum of liquidity where the line of distinction between financial intermediation by the banking system and other non-bank intermediation is also getting blurred and as a corollary of this where financial institutions themselves are losing their specialist character.Their wide geographical coverage is matched by wide functional activity against th e background of progressively intense competition.This has meant better opportunities both for the players in the international financial markets and those that transact business with them. Never have the world financial markets been so integrated and offered so wide a variety of services. India is affected by trends in capital movements, exchange rates and interest rates. A more liberal domestic financial sector would be better able to interact with international financial markets. India has only been reacting to events abroad, i.e., India remains events takers rather than events makers, but even so, there is need for providing for a measure of structured rather than ad hoc response to external events. This is also a matter of determining therational sequencing pattern of increasing its markets linkages with the international markets.A cautious and step-by-step approach in terms of a well thought out framework of such linkages is called for. While Indian financial institutions and business should gradually and in a structured way get into the operations of the international financial markets, globalisation of the Indian financial sector is indispensable if it has to become efficient, vibrant and truly competitive in the years to come. The process of globalisation involves two distinct challenges (i) technological upgradation through computeriation, and (ii) establishing and forging links with international financial markets. The Indian financial sector has been a late starter in mechanizing and computerising its operations. Regrettably, introduction of new technology is rather slow. What is even worse, the installed hardware does not33Economic Reforms in Indiaseem to have been utilised to its full potential. This unfortunate state of affairs must end. The Narasimham citizens committee has endorsed the view of the Rangarajan Committee on computerisation. At the economic policy level, the issue of forging links with the international financial markets is clos ely intertwined with interest rate deregulation and convertibility of the Indian rupee.27.7 PROBLEMS OF GLOBALISATIONAn outward looking or globalisation policy carries a price, as it demands certain constraints on the formulation of national policies. These constraints are i) The international economic environment has qualitatively changed. When the industrialised countries are subjected to economic fluctuations, the dependent developing countries will have to bear these economic shocks.ii) There is a family relationship on the one hand between investment made for exportoutput and income generated via the multiplier, and on the other handbetween income generated and imports via propensity to import. This problem stems from the fact that income multiplier effect in a developing economy is higher than in a developed economy due to a higher marginal propensity to consume. Consequently, demand generated is also relatively higher in the developing economies than in the developed econom ies. This rise in demand, under certain given conditions, will push up the domestic price level and if marginal propensity to import does not recede, it will further lead to higher imports to the extent that proportionate rise in imports may exceed proportionate rise in exports and thus the trade balance is shaken.iii) The formation of a trade block in North the States that has given rise to free trade between the US and Canada has created a new situation. With this, cartel like conditions will prevail on the demand side in these markets whereas competition amongst the suppliers, intra-country and inter-country, will continue. It is in these changed market conditions that India has to adjust itself. Thus, not to speak of pushing up its share, even survival will prove a gigantic task for India. In view of this, a better course for India will be not to rely too much on an export-led growth under the existing world scenario. In this market oriented world there is no godfather who may c ome to Indias rescue without asking for its bewilder for flesh.Globalisation is perhaps irreversible. Success comes to those who learn to live dangerously. At best one can moderate the pace of globalisation. hardly globaliation is a conditional approval. One must put ones own house in order or at least mismanage it much less to get the boon working. Indias options are limited.One of them is to let the rupee fall freely. If the rupee depreciates, then the expectations of capping prices through imports would also be punctured. The existing framework of global institution is weak, ad hoc and unpredictable, with international economic decision-making dispersed over numerous institutions, which are mostly dominated by the rich countries. Continued inhospitable international economic environment will frustrate the developing countries determined efforts to end stagnation through liberalisation, market-oriented reforms and outward-looking policies. Denial of access to markets, debt bur den, inequities in global monetary, financial and trade systems, barriers to maneuver of technology, dwindling flows of concessional resources, reluctance of foreign direct investment to flow to developing countries aremaking quantum jump from stagnation to sustained growth almost impossible. 34Domestically, there are several problems and issues, which act as hurdle towards global integration. These are (i) gross inequalities in income, (ii) poor infrastructure, (iii) lack of query facilities, and (iv) the problem of bureaucratic set up. According to Professor, P.R. Brahmananda (1993) the economies are being asked to perform functions assigned to market systems without the requisite infrastructures in storage houses, communication framework, trading establishments, organised stock exchanges, prospective markets, banking and financial institutions with branches, employment exchanges, commercial news-papers, advertisement media etc.Thus, the transformation of the market has been s ought to be achieved in a vacuum. Private property in land, capital and financial assets etc., has yet to be established universally. The information basis for a market economy is virtually absent. The state is simply divesting itself of its functions without compensating new institutional arrangements. capitalism cannot be established without capitalist institutions and a legal framework. Consequently, the transaction costs in the transitional processes have risen staggeringly, and great profits are being made by informal financial trading and information intermediaries. Consequently, the underlying basis for elastic supply schedules in various relative production lines has not come to exist. The institutions such as IMF, World Bank and WTO are emerging as the watchdogs and monitors of developing countries on behalf of the developed. The loans are sources of additional demand for the products of the developed. The pressures on the abject down of exchange rates of the borrowing co untries will be stronger.Further, there will be strong pressures to make the developing countries bring down the import duties and to free domestic markets. Internationally, the point of worry is that major economies of the world are going through a major recessionary phase and are increasingly turning inwards in an effort to balance their domestic and international priorities. Thus, even they continue to preach the articles of globalisation and opening up to the world, they themselves are forming close trading blocs, NAFTA, Paciffic Basic Trade Bloc, being a few such examples. Thus, there are both, opportunities and hurdles in the entire process. Whereas the domestic ones can be overcome by the necessary reforms,the trade policies and structural movements towards opening up may be slowed down by the protectionist polices of the industrial countries. According to Uncials Trade and Development Report (TDR) 1997, the invisible hand (market) now operates globally and with fewer counte rvailing pressures. It has sounded out a wake-up warning to countries that their faith in markets and economic bleakness could be overwhelmed by political events, since evidence is mounting that slow growth and rising inequalities are becoming more permanent features of the global economy.The policy efforts of developing world should be accompanied by an accommodating global milieu. But, among the asymmetrie of globalisation is the fact that liberalization of the world economy has proceeded so far in a lop-sided way that tends to prejudice the growth prospects of developing countries by discriminating against areas in which they could achieve comparative advantage. Thus, liberalisation of trade in goods has proceeded more slowly in those sectors where developing countries are more competitive. Major trading blocs continue to protect their agricultural sector. New forms of protection against exports of manufactures from the South are being sought as a remedy for labour market proble ms in the North. While many curbs have been lifted on the freedom of capital and skilled labour to move where it isGlobalisation of Indian Economy35Economic Reforms in Indiabest rewarded, no attention has been paid to abolishing many restrictions on the freedom of movement of bungling labour. Ultimately global efforts to help developing countries could tranquillize come to nothing if the slowdown in economic growth in the North is not reversed. For a return to faster growth, the policy of full employment is not only a pre-requisite for resolving the twin evils of high unemployment and increasing wage inequality in the North, but is also essential for defusing the threat of a population backlash against globalisation, which might put the gains of global economic integration at risk. Check Your Progress 2 1) Highlight the implications ofglobalisations for Indian financial markets. .. .. .. 2) Mention three problems associated with globalisation. .. .. ..27.8 EFFORTS REQUIRED FOR GLO BALISATIONWhile globalisation has arrived in the world, most organisations are still not ready for it. Yet, there is little doubt that to be viable during the next century, all organisations whether domestic or international, will need to become more global in their outlook, if not in their operations. The global organisation is a consequence to several new and sophisticated forces that have come to shape the world economy over the last decade.These are (i) aggressive and massive financial accumulation and relatively free-flowing resource turner (ii) well-defined and efficient communication take (iii) information transfer and control systems (iv) technology development and application that seek both leading edge and low-cost product creation and production and clear recognition of the potential for mass markets, mass customisation, and (v) global trends.A joint industry-government working group set up by the Ministry of Commerce has recommended that the country should take over co rporate sector type advertising campaign in major international markets in order to improve the international image of Indian industry and goods and services. It suggested a two-step promotional strategy, beginning with a focus on image building for the country as a whole to combat its untoward image, followed by specific campaigns aimed at generating trade and investment flows. The expansion ofinternational trade and the rapid growth of products and services out of India will be enormously assisted if the image of India is improved by a special, sustained and co-ordinated effort by government and industry working together. Many developing countries like India do not have strong reputations. It is therefore imperative to build credibility among a targeted group of buyers and investors. 36In this context, twelve different promotional techniques used by other countrieshave been advocated by the working group. These are (i) advertising in the general economic media, (ii) participation in trade fairs and exhibitions, (iii) advertising in sector specific media, (iv) trade missions to select countries, (v) general information seminars on trade and investment opportunities, (vi) direct mail campaigns, (vii) industry or sector-specific missions to select countries, (viii) sector-specific seminars, (ix) firm-specific research followed by sales presentations, (x) provision of trade and investment counselling services, (xi) speeding up the processing of applications, and (xii) provision of post-investment and post-trade services.Moreover, while a host of bodies such as the Ministries of work, external affairs and finance, and several chambers of commerce are involved, there are no national coordinated efforts. Therefore, promotional work should be entrusted to an office owned and funded jointly by the government and industry. However, it should function outside the purview of normal civil service rules and practices, should perhaps be a registered society, and should be run as a non-governmental, private sector organisation with a work culture different from government. It may be emphasised that the organisation must be staffed by multi-disciplinary professionals, drawn not from the government but from the private sector. Essentially, a small, compact, fast moving group of people, led by a dynamic leader with task of promoting India internationally. As the international orientation of the Indian economy and Indian industry increase, it becomes essential for Indian industry to take care of details. sustained efforts over a period, therefore, become necessary to build credibility.With this as the objective Confederation of Indian Industries(CII) has drawn up a list of Dos and Dont for Indian industry to assist companies to deal effectively in international trade. In justifying the structural reforms that are being introduced in the Indian economy, the advocates of these reforms have brought the question of competitiveness to the centre of the dis cussion. Their argument runs as follows The Indian economy needs to be integrated to the world economy. Globalisation requires that the Indian producers be competitive in the global market. It is only through these reforms that they can acquire the competitiveness and, therefore, the reforms are essential prerequisites for successful globalisation. Globalisation has of late become an objective in itself. This is both dangerous and ludicrous. Globalisation should not be considered a goal in itself and that it was merely a means to the ultimate aim of service of the economy. This simple objective needs reinforcement among the experts if the avoidable pitfalls of an economy in transition are to be avoided. Transition is a word that triggers both inquietude and heightened expectations.It is very important for us to cope with the unease if we are to satisfy the heightened expectations of nearly a billion people. The strengthening of the internal economy was a pre-requisite for a global ising economy. Given the ultimate aim of globlisation and given the pre-requisite for a globalising economy, the ultimate aim of improving the economy appears to be both the means and the end. This simplification without the use of expensive-sugarcoated words is the right approach to addressing the unease and the positive expectations. The theoretical elegance of globalisation has its own attraction. It may help India to find some partial explanations for success and bankruptcy by systematically analysing the ability of a small set of firms to manage change. But India needs practical and profitable applications that would be relevant to the large set of firms and individuals. It needs consistent policies that can help to upgrade Indias position in international competition in a substantial and enduring way. Towards this, India needs to find out what it is good at so that it can better achieve the best possible. The process of finding out what India and its firms are good at is yet t oGlobalisation of Indian Economy37Economic Reforms in Indiabe put into motion at the national level and all the have words about globlisation is at best wishful and premature. Globalisation requires both noneffervescent efficiency and dynamic efficiency, more of the latter than the former, and India is at a stage when it is faint-hearted of economys static efficiency. A nation that is unsure of static efficiency is least equipped to pay for the dynamic extra options that are essential to guarantee success. The power blackouts in the states are an example of unsure, unreliable static efficiencies. Check Your Progress 3 1) Mention five new forces that shape the world economy. .. .. .. .. 2) Mention a few promotional techniques that need be adopted by India. .. .. .. ..27.9 LET US SUM UPIndia ought to know what it is good at before embarking on what it needs to be good at in order to reduce the unease and sustain the expectations of a easy future. A prosperous future is predicted o n the competitiveadvantage of firms in all sectors of the economy. The basis of competitive advantage in many sectors and industries, each seemingly distinct, depends on a set of critical elements common to a range of sectors. The set would obviously include transportation facilities, trained labour, energy, education and health.This set is indisputably at the heart of the economy. Its static efficiency needs to be improved. This is a prerequisite for sustaining and expanding the technical possibility set. Globalization would then be a clinch. Behind the cost of production of every commodity, there is a story. It may be a story of innovation, technical progress and modern labour process, or it may be one of sweated labour, ill-bred labour process and pollution. By putting a price sticker on all commodities, the market suppresses these stories, and thus hides more than it reveals. It is like one of those tenacious nights in which all horses appear gray. No country today can live be hind closed doors. Third world countries therefore must globalise. But while attuning the economy to the needs of the global market, it should be kept in mind that globalization does not generate the process of development, it is the latter that leads to, and in turn is reinforced by, successful globalisation. Unless the process of development which is basically a highly localised process successfully triggered off, globalisation may lead to the classification of the structure of underdevelopment, instead of causing its dissolution (Kalyan K. Sanyal, 1993). 38It is interesting to note that the Nobel Laureate Professor Amartya Sen supportremoval of government control over industry and commerce and even endorses globalisation provided welfare is not ignored. He admits unhesitatingly that with the initiation of the right kind of policies, globalisation would secure more prosperity.Globalisation of Indian Economy27.10 KEY WORDSBackwash Effects These operate where the economic growth in one region of aneconomy has adverse effects on the growth of other regions. Common Market An area, usually combining a number of countries, in which all can trade on equal terms. Exchange prescribe The rate at which one currency may be exchanged for another. Financial Capital The liquid as opposed to physical assets of a company. humans Utility Essential good or service like power, gas, transport etc.A company or enterprise, which is the sole supplier of some of these essential goods or services and is, in consequence, subject to some form of government control. Trade Blocs Association of group of countries for safeguarding their interest vis-vis other non- member countries, like European aggregate (EU) and North America Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), ASEAN, APEC etc., are some of the example of such trading blocs. Members of these trading blocs have eliminated all barriers to trade amongst member countries. The 15 members of EU have created a single internal market.27.11 SOME US EFUL BOOKSBhalla, G.S. (1995) Globalisation and Farm Policy (Presidential Address delivered at the 54th Annual convention of the Indian Association of Agricultural Economics at Kolhapur) crease Line, January 12-27. Brahmananda, P.R. (1993) Global Economy, Plea for Realistic Scenario, Financial Express, December 30 & 31, January 1, 1993. Chandra, Nirmal Kumar (1995) Chinas allotment with Globalisation, Economic & policy-making Weekly Jan.28. Chugh K.L. (1992) The Role of Corporation in the New India, speech at the 81st Annual General Body Meeting of ITC Ltd., Observer of Business and Politics, August 10. Dhingra, I.C. (2000) The Indian Economy Environment and Policy, Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi. Kumar, T. Krishna (1996) Management of Development in the Newly Emerging Global Economic Environment, Economic and Political Weekly, June 22. Malhotra, R.N. (1989) Globalisation of the International Economy and its Implications for Developing Countries in Asia, Reserve Bank of India B ulletin, October. Narasimham. M. (1989) Globalisation of Financial Markets in India, Exim Bank Commencement Day Annual words 1989, Mumbai. 39Palkhiwala, Nani A (1995) Making Indian Industry Globally Competitive, Forum of Free Enterprise, Mumbai, May-June.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Hill Country Case Solution Essay
pitchers mound County operates in a very competitive commercialize where new potential entrants mess be a threat to its operation either through busteder price sullenering or lower production cost. Competition from peer companies has momentous effect on its operation, because knoll County is price taker in the market, that is, cast up in prices is not one of the choices it freighter fulfil. Also, due to the fact that its profitability relies heavily on cost management, an fierce competition can worsen the situation of pile County in the future. Hence, the corporation needs to be very efficient in post to compete with former(a) low-cost production dissipateds. In accompaniment, cost management may also link to the bargaining power of heap County all over its suppliers, which plays an important role in the manufacturing cost of the crocked. Whenever their suppliers swallow much bargaining power, Hill County would face a potential dec simple eye in its profit margin . Macroeconomics conditions also contri stille to the business peril of Hill County.During an economic downturn, consumers atomic number 18 less(prenominal) likely to spend money on snacks or attend venues, where they would normally purchase snacks. This would result in declining sales. Hill County does not seem to offer as much diversification in their line of production needed, in order to diversify their exposure to macroeconomic contractions away. The deviate of consumer behaviour is another business risk faced by Hill County. Recent surveys have shown that, consumers tend to become to a greater extent awargon of Health food. This indicated that they may turn away from less healthy snacks to other choices such as organic food. Selling snacks through school systems also requires the company to alter its products. Therefore, Hill County has to conduct researches and develop alternative choices in response to such preferences and requirements, which peaks to an ontogenesis of cost.1.2 How much pecuniary risk would the company face at to each one of the trey alternative debt-to- gravid ratios presented in Exhibit 4? The following table compare the potential financial risk faced by the company under each of the debt-to-equity ratio alternative. In general, the higher the leverage ratio is, the higher the risk level will be.Item20 % Debt to Capital40% Debt to Capital60% Debt to CapitalThe company has the same tax level across each scenario, and thus there is no difference in the sexual relation advantage of An increase in the debt level is leading to higher The highest tax racing shell advantage in Tax Shield tax shield. However, in absolute landmarks, an increase in the tax shield benefits absolute terms to the company debt-to-capital ratio will enhance the tax shield benefit The amaze rating is AAA/AA, indicating that the thoughtlessness risk is sort of low. In terms of financial support cost, comparing with the corporate bonds with same rating that pays at rates from 2.5% to 3.2%, the interest rate 2.58% is considerably acceptable. high debt levels are leading to higher financial trauma costs for the company. However, 20% is still below the industrys average and appears as a massive level in order to benefit from advantages that debt admits. The rating of the bond would fall to BBB indicating that the credit risk increases higher debt levels. Although the credit increasing this is still in line with the average.According to Exhibit 3 the bond This is rating drops to B. This seems rather due to high and risky and would raise the risk is concern of the management and market particularly the equity holders, which are described as risk averse. Too much debt-to-capital ratio can cause severe financial distress cost to the company (details to be discussed in section 3). The 4.52 ICR indicates that the debt level is rather risky, as a significant amount of the cash flow generated by the company would be tightened up by a h igher repurchase premium and a higher risk premium.Credit RiskFinancial Distress CostHigher financial distress cost as the company is entitled to debt obligation where debt holders have the ability to file bankruptcy toward the company. An ICR 11.82 is in line with the industry average and much higher than the bonds with the similar rating (4.1). But as the amount of tenor being repurchased rises, the premium required would also increase, resulting in to a greater extent cash outflow.In terms of financial flexibility, a relatively high interest coverage ratio (ICR) of 36.8 supports the companys ability to Flexibility take on more debt. Especially by comparing the ratio with its peers, such ratio seems to match with its risk aversion philosophy. Agency Cost of DebtIncrease in debt-to-capital ratio can cause agency cost of Agency cost of debt will be more problematic This level will involve highest agency debt to be higher. However, at level of 20%, it is still because the managers a re not left with freedom cost of debt. considerably low. to operate the company.Agency Cost of EquityAdding more debt into capital coordinate will reduce agency As more debts are added, agency cost of debt cost of equity as managers are left with less free cash flow Lowest agency cost of equity. would be further reduced. that could have been exploited for perk consumption. Since part of the earnings is paid to bump the debt repayments, dividends paid deceases comparing with actual 2011. But this is counter-balanced by increased earnings per appropriate (EPS) as the shares outstanding is reduced Comparing with 20% leverage, dividend continues to decrease but EPS goes up on the scale of EPS in actual 2011, which is favourable for valuation and is in the interest of shareholders.Dividend PolicyDividend paid and EPS decline at the same time, which would lead to a lower valuation of the firm.1.3 How much value could Hill County create for its shareholders at each of the three alternat ive debt levels? In order to answer the interrogate we use the change in return of equity (hard roe) as an appropriate measure. For the sake of simplicity we used the book value of equity rather than market values. According to Exhibit 4 and 5, the profit margin, total capital and tax rate re primary(prenominal) unchanged over the forecasting period. Judging from the table below, the hard roe increases when the leverage ratio rises. This is indicating that the more aggressive the capital structure is, the more the finis to which the value is maximized. However, we should take into account the benefit and risk involved when deciding which capital structure is optimal. Alternative 20 % Debt to Capital By implementing 20% of debt into the capital structure the company is able to increase the ROE by over 30% to 16.31%. 40% Debt to Capital An increase to 40% debt to capital is leading to an increase of over 60% in the ROE to 20.52%, which is a positive indicator of increased sharehold er value. 60% Debt to CapitalROEIn the third alternative the ROE can be more than doubled to a ROE of 27.64%.2. What debt-to-capital structure would you recommend as optimal for Hill County? What are the advantages of adding debt to the capital structure? How would issuing debt impact the companys taxes and expected costs of financial distress? How would the financial markets react if the company increased its financial leverage? In order to determine the optimal capital structure for Hill County Snack, we examined the debt-to-equity ratios for A-rated companies indoors the food and beverages industry. Based on figure 15.13 in Financial Theory and Corporate Policy by Copeland, we see that the average is 65% debt-to-equity, which in debt-to-capital term equals 40%. We can also see from the figure that none of the firms within the industry operates with zero debt-level, and this gives us an indication that the firm is likely to gain firm value by introducing debt to its capital stru cture, mainly due to the tax shield of debt. Referring to Modigliani-Miller proposition I (MM I) with taxes, we know that the value of levered firm is equal to value of unlevered firm plus Figur 15.13tax shield of debt. Also, according to Tread-off Theory, the firm will increase its value by adding debt up to the level where the marginal cost of financial distress is equal to the marginal gain from the tax shield. We used the ICR to evaluate the likelihood of financial distress when the firm introduces debt to the company. The financial market is likely to have a positive reaction if the company increased its financial leverage, since it will increase firm value and ROE, making the company more attractive to investors and other stakeholders. To what extent the stock price will appreciate depends on the market expectations of how the firm will cope with its debt obligations. From Exhibit 4 we see that the firm can tardily adopt the 20 % debt-to-capital ratio, having a very high ICR of 36.90 which implies very low probability of financial distress as well as it will be in shareholders interest since it increases ROE from 12.5% to 16.31% without adding much risk and reduces free cash flow and agency cost of equity.Having a closer look on the contiguous scenario where the company is tested with a 40% debt-tocapital ratio, we can see that ROE increases from 12.5% to 20.5%. With this capital structure, the firm operates with the same level as the industry median of its competitors. Implied by Pecking Order Theory, since this is the median, it might indicate that this is somehow the optimal debt structure for this type of industry. The firm will still be very liquid with a relative low probability of financial distress based on the high ICR of 11.82. Finally, we have to consider the 60% debt-to-capital ratio, which results in an ICR of 4.52. This ratio is, just to a higher place the median for BBB rated companies by Standard & Poors (Exhibit 3). Although the ROE i ncreases form 12.5% to 26.2%, it introduces a significant amount of risk to the company and the firm would be much more sensitive to macroeconomic conditions and fluctuations in revenue.Based on the three alternatives, we believe that the optimal debt-tocapital structure is around 40%. This is because the company will have a significant benefit from the tax shield of debt and it will cause a handsome increase in ROE for the shareholders such that they are able to compensat for the increase in risk, reduc agency cost of equity and still be very liquid to fulfil their debt obligation, by having a very high ICR of 11.82, which iseven above the median for A-rated companies. The reason we chose this alternative instead of 20% is because we believe that the company can increase its firm value even more with this alternative, without adding a significant amount of risk. Also, if the company were to introduce 60% debt-to-capital, we think this is a too aggressive approach for the company t hat is new to debt in its capital structure. 3.How could Hill County implement a more aggressive capital structure? What methods could be used to increase debt and decrease equity? A more aggressive capital structure would in general mean that the company is increasing the leverage ratio by either increasing the debt or reducing the equity or both. The main two reasons why companies look to reduce the share capital and make capital distributions to shareholders (i.e. return cash surplus to shareholders in excess of the immediaterequirements of the company) are a) enhancing shareholders value though an improved ROE and b)to achieve a more efficient capital structure. The following are possible approaches that Hill County can secure to adopt a more aggressive capital structure. 1) Implement Debt Financing Debt financing refers to any borrowed money which Hill County would have to pay back to the change institution. It can come in the form of a loan, line of credit, bond, etc. We wou ld highly recommend Hill County to seek capital by issuing bonds rather than having bank loans. In our view, Hill County can benefit more from bonds issued than from a bank loan. The interest rate and other terms of bank loans are do by the bank, whereas when issuing bond, it can actively set the interest rate and schedule the payments based on the current market conditions. Even though it would be its first issue of bonds, we see the risk involved and cost incurred rather minor, due to the relative strong financial reports of the company, assuming the market is efficient.Although most companies, including Hill County, can borrow from banks, they view direct borrowing from a bank as more restrictive and expensive than selling debt to the open market. In order to take note the degree of flexibility that is offered by all equity financing, the CEO would try to avoid any restrictions that come with debt financing. Most bank loans come with manifold conditions, or covenants, that the borrower must follow for the life of the loan. Bank loan covenants protect the bank (and in effectbank loan fund investors) but cut back restrictions on the borrower. As the advantages outweigh the disadvantages we recommend Hill County to seek for bond financing rather than a bank loan. 2) Reduction of Equity Alongside the debt financing via bonds, we suggest that Hill County should reduce their share capital.. A reduction of equity is used to increase distributable reserves to make dividend payments possible, or to make a large return of capital more efficient. There are a number of possible mechanisms, including A share buyback, where Hill County buys its own shares back in the market.These shares are usually then cancelled. Companies do sometimes retain bought-back shares as treasury shares in order to be able to re-sell them, or allocate them to fulfil share options or to otherwise avoid issuing new shares. In the case of Hill County, we would advise them to cancel the shares as we are seeking for a mishap to reduce the equity share capital. Another alternative for County Hill is the conversion of share capital and nondistributable reserves into debt capital. This approach has been used by large UK listed companies, and is basically the conversion of share capital into debt. Existing shares are cancelled and replaced with new shares (fewer, or with a lower par value) and bonds, the latter typically redeemable at the option of the holder. This allows shareholders to take the return of capital as a capital gain, and time it to their advantage. One easy solution would be the conversion of non-distributable reserves into distributable reserves, which is followed by the payment of a special dividend. This, however, would mean that many shareholders would be unable to avoid paying income tax on the special dividend.3) Hybrid Securities In addition to financing either by debt or by equity, such hybrid securities as convertible bonds can both alter the capita l structure and provide the management with flexibility. Within a certain time period or when the share price is low, the convertible bonds would contribute to the total debt amount, which requires fixed and rather low periodic payment. Hence, the leverage ratio would rise. However, as time goes by or when Hill Countys stock price appreciates, these bond holders may convert the bond and thereby such amount would switch into equity. 4) Off Balance Sheet Financing (OBF) Apart from general debt financing we would also consider the implementation of off balance winding-sheet financing. As theleverage ratio goes up and increase the riskiness of the company, the CEO and share holders may concern such would weaken the talent of balance sheet and periodic performance. But certain OBF methods like leasing and factoring can enhance the cash flow of the firm and substantially build up the leverage without adding to the amount of the debt.4. Considering Hill Countys corporate culture, what ar guments could you use to persuade CEO Keener or his successor to adopt and implement your recommendation? Considering the management focalise of Hill County is to maximize shareholders wealth, raising the leverage ratio of the firm can help the management to achieve such goal. First of all, using the issued debt to repurchase stock can not only push up the stock price but also bring shareholders tax benefit, which supports equity holders in managing their wealth more efficiently. Also, in line with our previous discussion, introducing debt into the firms capital facilitates managers to take up slightly more risky but also more remunerative investment opportunities. This is because leverage can reduce the risk that is bore by equity, instead of missing out potentially profitable projects so as to maintain sufficient cash flow.Regarding the companys strong commitment to efficiency and cost control, issuing debt can provide the company with considerable tax shield as interest payment is tax-deductible. Thus, reducing tax payments can lower expenses and retain more economic benefit within the company. Another advantage is that leverage can lower the weighted average cost of capital since the cost of debt is usually lower than the cost of equity, which contributes to its cost control policy. In such way, Hill County can more efficiently (lower cost of capital) and sufficiently (higher level of retained earnings) finance its daily operations and other investment projects. A third spirit of the Hill Countys corporate culture is caution and risk aversion, meaning that the managers always prefer financial safety and flexibility. Introducing debt into the capital structure of the company can stabilize the cash outflow as the company can schedule whichever principle and interest payment that is suitable to the operating and financing requirements and thereby alter the management to control risk exposure.Also, Hill County can issue debt with embedded options such as c allable bonds, enabling the firm to buying back the bonds at a certainprice when debt-financing is unfavourable. Lastly, if the management is still concerned about rising debt levels would lead to weaker financial reports, other capital sources such as off-balance sheet financing can change the capital structure without much dynamic and unfavourable change of the crucial financial ratios, say, debt-to-equity ratio and interest coverage ratio, which have a strong impact onto the evaluation of Hill Countys risk level.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Language acquisition Essay
Discuss coinciding and diachronic approaches to language. In opposition to the totally historical view of language of the previous hundred years, Ferdinand de Saussure emphasised the importance of seeing from dickens distinct and largely exclusive points of view, which he called coeval and diachronic. The word chronic has been derived from Greek word chronos which means judgment of conviction. simultaneous linguistics sees language as a living whole, existing as a state at a particular point in time (an ital de langue, as Saussure put it, Greek syn-with, chronos time).Diachronic linguistics concerns language in its historical development (Greek dia through, chronos time). Thus descriptive linguistics is known as synchronic linguistics and studies a language at one particular period of time. Historical linguistics is known as diachronic or worldly linguistics and deals with the development of language through time. For example, the way in which French or Italian know evolved from Latin, and Hindi from Sanskrit. It also investigates language change.A write up of the change from Old to Middle English is a diachronic larn. Old English Middle English chint knightstan ston a o In the homogeneous way, the study of a writers development from y come to the foreh to adulthood is an example of diachronic study. The way in which Shakespeares style changes from youth to maturity is also an instance of diachronic study.Saussure says Synchronic linguistics will concern the logical and psychological relations that bind together co-existing terms and from a system in the collective mind of speakers. Diachronic linguistics, on the contrary, will study relations that bind together successive terms, not perceived by the collective mind but substituted for each other without forming a system. Thus synchronic linguistics deals with systems whereas diachronic with units. The relationship between the both aspects of language study was diagrammatically represented by Saus sure in the following way C XX1X2X3 B A D Here AB is the synchronic axis of simultaneities, CD is the diachronic axis of succession. AB is a language state at an arbitrarily chosen point in time on the line CD (at X) CD is the historical path the language has traveled, and the root which it is going to continue traveling. The point of intersection X indicates that neither excludes the other completely.If CD represents evolution over a period (say 100 years from 1850 to 1950), X1, X2, X3 represent the successive state of language 1860, 1870, 1880, 1890 and so on. The difference between descriptive or synchronic and historical or diachronic linguistics can be illustrated by the diagram of Saussure itself, who was the first person to point out the necessary of distinguishing between the two approaches. We may think this is fairly obvious distinction if it had not been the case that some quite eminent 19th century scholars had failed to claw it. And it needs to be drawn.Neither exclud es the other completely, of course, there must be a point of intersection in terms of the above mentioned diagram. But cosmos aware of, the distinction allows us to focus attention more answeringly on language from a assumption consistent angle. Moreover, due emphasis on the synchronic (which had been neglected dimension before Saussure) helps to clarify the important point that a diachronic investigation always pre-supposes, to some extent a synchronic study. It is impracticable to consider the way a language has changed from one state to another without first knowing something intimately the two states to be compared.This need not to be a pair of complete synchronic comments, of course, to complain that it would be a distortion of what linguists actually do in practice but some nonhistorical psychoanalysis is essential as a preliminary. Saussure rounds off his discussion with various analogies, of which his analogy with a game of chess is perhaps the most famous. If we walk into a room while a chess game is being played, it is possible to assess the state of the game by simply studying the position of the pieces on the board (as long as we know the rules) we do not normally need to know the previous moves from the beginning of the game.And give carewise the state of board at every move is implicit in any pattern of play we may wish to study. The synchronic/diachronic distinction, Saussure claims, is very much like this. And, without wanting to push the analogy too far, we can agree with him. Throughout the 19th century linguistic research was very strongly historical in character. One of the principal aims of the subject was to group language families on the basis of independent development from a common source, or to study language change.The description of a particular language was made subsidiary to this general aim, and there was little interest in the study of a language of a given community without reference to historical consideration. Saussure s distinction between diachronic and synchronic investigation of the language is a distinction between two opposing view points. Nevertheless, valid diachronic work has to be based on good synchronic work because no valid statement about linguistic change can be made unless good description of a language does exist. Similarly a synchronic statement may wellhead reflect certain historical developments.For example, two vowels of reel and real are described as being basically opposite because the historical facts show different sources for the ee and the ea. On the other hand, we find statements like ought is the past tense of owe and dice is the plural of die. One can point out that these statements are diachronically, but not synchronically, true. A synchronic approach is enough to gain mastery over a contemporary language, but it is necessary to have a diachronic description to understand the evolution of that language.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Calorie Intake
My calorie intake for the three days isnt appropriate. I documented for each one item I ate, surprisingly it wasnt as high as I imagined it to be. I thought it would be a lot higher because I dont watch what I feed Eke I should. My calorie intake should be about 2000 and it was around 2869 on day 1. Even though I went over 869 calories each calorie terminate affect the body. Calories will affect weight, health, and energy levels. If a person saps more than they burn they gain weight. Same If fewbody burns more than they eat they will lose wait.Just as If someone eats as much as they burn then they eat the weight will remain the same. If someone calorie intakes too low it may cause reduced muscle mass (Calorie Explained). If there are no food energy sources to keep the lively organs functioning it uses the muscle mass for energy, so it will make the person feel sluggish and tired. A high calorie nutriment puts breed on the body. It can increase the risk of diabetes, heart di oceanse, and length of life. As I mentioned earlier about muscle mass the body mass world power or IBM allows anyone to figure out their body mass according to their weight and height (Merriam Webster).My IBM is 17. 5(Calculate Body Mass index). It is considered underweight, but I am still hygienic a small frame runs in my family. However if it wasnt hereditary I would try to find way to boost my IBM to a normal range of 18. 5. B. The DIR for each nutrient over the three days that I record what I ate.. The DIR for carbohydrates was 130, It was being 75 and ccc percent. The DIR for fiber was 25, and was amid 75 and 300 percent. Linoleum Acids DIR was 12 and It was little than 75%. To increase my DIR I would try to eat chicken or pizza. Cholesterol was 30 and the percent was little than 75%.TO increase cholesterol DIR I would try and eat more eggs or sausage. Calcium is 1000 and it was between 75 and 300 percent. Sodium was 1500 and less than 75%. To help increase my sodium intak e I would try to eat bacon In the morning or cheese as a snack. bruiser Is 900 and between 75 and 300 percent. Iron DIR Is 18 and was between 75 and 300%. Magnesium Is 310 and between 75-300%. Selenium Is 55 and less than 75%. To extend selenium I could eat more whole grains or eat more fish. Zinc is 8 and less than 75%. To help increase zinc I could eat more spinach or prop. Vitamin A is 700 and between 75-300%. 6 is 1. And less than 75%. 812 is 2. 4 is less than 75%. Eating bananas or lean pork would help increase 8 DIR. Vitamin C Is 75 is less than 75%. I could try to eat more strawberries and oranges to raise valorous C DIR. Vitamin D Is 25 and between 75 and 300%. Vitamin E Is 15 and between 75 and 300%. Vitamin K Is 90 Is less than 75%. Trying to eat more beans and strawberries to increase DIR of Vitamin K. Foliate is 400 and is between 75 and 300%. Thiamin is 1. 1 and less than 75%. Eating more bread and nuts can increase DIR. Niacin is 14 and less than 75%. I can eat mor e chicken and peanuts to increase level.Cooling is 425 and is between 75-300%. Potassium is 4700 and over 300%. If your body has to much potassium It can lead to hyperemia. Phosphorus was 700 and over 300%. Too much LLC. Some diversenesss in my diet that I could make would be choosing something more healthy as a substitute for the unhealthy item. Instead of ranch and butter on a bake potato I could pass on that and Just eat the bake potato as is. Also, before I throw mayo. On a slice of bread try to replace it with mustard. My intake of saturated fat was 1 1. 67% which is a little high. Considering it should be around or less than 10% of total calories.If it was much higher than that it would be a concern of mine because trans/saturated fat is considered the worst type of fat by some doctors. This type so fat will raise the bad cholesterol, OLD, and lower the good cholesterol, HAD, in your body. A combination of the two cholesterol being neutered can increase many health risk such as heart disease. 2. With that being said I can take steps in the right direction to make more healthy choices and have a healthier life style. I could switch from red meat to strictly sea food. I would eliminate things such as steak from my diet, to lower cholesterol, that would lead too serious of problems.One problem resulting from a lot of red meat in the diet and the level of cholesterol being raised would be heart disease. Another problem with red meat is it is linked to colon cancer (Dry. Sears). A change I could make other than red meat would be to take more vitamins to insure I get the recommended amount for each vitamin. I dont alcoholism a lot of milk so I dont get the vitamin D I should. Taking a vitamin D pill or putting milk would help so later on in life I dont develop osteoporosis or something of that nature. The hardest of changes for me would be not to cook in or eat foods that have been cooked in oil.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Facebook Addiction Essay
Facebook has come to be probably the most commonly used social networking site, nearly half of Facebooks users capture their profiles every day. Some of the users spend an unreasonable amount of their time on Facebook, whiling the hours away un noniced, while chores to go unfinished, and even going to the extent of ignoring family and friends in the satisfying world. Although a majority of the hundreds of millions of people use Facebook as a social networking device, it has several of negative impacts such as social isolation, communication problems, and health problems which deep impact the lives of the users. While Facebook addiction disorder or Facebook addiction are not medically accepted terms, the actuality of addictive behavior on Facebook is a upgrade concern for scores of Facebook users, and one that psychoanalysts are seeing more regularly in their patients.According to Fenichel, if you have found that sharing, connecting and skill through Facebook has replaced all ave nues of learning and communicating and in your life, it is a possibility that you have Facebook addiction Disorder. There are a variety of ways which can be used to crusade Facebook addiction. Citation proposed that an addict should Understand the symptoms of Facebook addiction and assert that it is necessary to make changes, re-examine your priorities, spend more time with family and friends to keep your mind off the computer, olfactory sensation for another outlet in life or learn tender things, limit the amount of time spent checking your account, instead of using Facebook to communicate with your friends, come in them text messages or call them so as to reduce the time spent online, and lastly seek professional help (Fenichel).Facebook as a new phenomenon is here to stay, however, as this paper has shown, a lot of care needs to be taken in the use of it in peoples unremarkable lives. Facebook has negative effects on a persons life which cannot be taken lightly. This paper h as also shown that although Facebook addiction is a serious matter. However, it is not all doom and gloom as there are viable remedies which can be employed in order to overcome Facebook addiction.
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